A sporting bunch

You may have gathered from the last few newsletters we are a bit of an energietic, sporty bunch here at statusdesign, between us we pretty much have all the bases covered - if you'll pardon the pun! So in a fit of self indulgence we thought you would like to read about some of our recent sporting achievements. First up comes Mark who recently bagged two trophies from two different events in two different sports. The first piece of 'silverware' - or crystal in this case - is the Colin Mole Trophy, awarded to Mark for 'Nearest The Pin' during the British Heart Foundation golf day at Spalding Golf Club. The Golf club, now in its centinery year has hosted this event for the last 23 years and this year the event raised £17,500 for the British Heart Foundation. The Second decoration our leader received this year is 'Top Goal Scorer 2006 / 2007' for Bourne Hockey Club, a slighty less worthy event but quite an achievement none the less!

Next up our resident martial artist Martin. After years of hard study and dedication, not to mention bruised ribs, black eyes and a dented ego after his unsuccessful trip to the European championships in Hungary, Martin has now been awarded his black belt, first dan in Freestyle Karate, no mean feat it seems, after a grueling 2 hour grading in which he also received another black eye, Martin was victorious.
Omedetou, Martin-san.

On a related note we were recently visited by David Smith a well known and accomplished competitor in cycle road racing. David, is an old friend of statusdesign and dropped in on his way to the National Road Race Championships due to be held on 30th of June in Beverly Yorkshire. Unfortunately the 180km road race event was cancelled in the twelfth hour due to the extreme weather rendering most of the route unrideable. A huge dissapointment to David after travelling to yorkshire from his home in Lyon France where he is a valued member of the VCLVV (Vélo Club Lyon Vaulx-en-Velin) race team.

Also the second annual Grantham Triathlon (see our useful links page on our website) was recently held and as a sponsor we were asked to adorn the official t-shirt with our logo, something which we were very pleased to do. The winner of this tough event, was Mark Redwood with an overall time of 54m.56s.



statusdesign - Premier graphic and webdesign agency